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Upper Pine aids with fire, fall prevention for seniors

Free home safety inspections offered

Is La Plata County ready for spike in seniors?

Senior population to double by 2040 in La Plata

Falls by senior citizens a growing problem in La Plata County

Falls by elderly No. 1 injury cause in Southwest Colorado

The man behind the Hermosa golf course

Fred Mang has three loves: His wife, the links, photography

Headin’ out West

Retirees seeking out the good life

She taught lessons of a lifetime

Grace Erikson celebrates 100th with former students

Preparing for a ‘silver tsunami’

Lawmakers in Denver push bills to address aging population

Assisted living re-opens after construction

Evenings Porch Assisted Living is having its grand opening from 4 to 7 p.m. Thursday in Bayfield. The facility underwent construction for nearly two years and has been completely...

Willing to be digital

93-year-old Durango embraces technology to keep in touch with world around her

Durango No. 9 on list

City ranks ninth for retirement