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Sheppards grateful to health department, Zink and volunteers

Saturday, Jan. 23, was a really big day for something like 300 people. We were lucky enough to be among the senior recipients of the vaccinations offered at the fairgrounds led by Karen Zin...

Thank you to La Plata Integrated Healthcare

We would like to commend and thank La Plata Integrated Healthcare, part of the Axis Health System. We were shocked when, as a patient of the clinic, Ron received a call asking if he wanted t...

Thank you to the director of the Durango Food Bank

The Durango Food Bank Board of Directors would like to publicly thank and acknowledge the incredible hard work and dedication of its director Sarah Smith. The past year has been ...

Durango Botanic Gardens grateful to La Plata Cares and Local First

Durango Botanic Gardens would like to extend our sincere thanks to La Plata Cares and Local First for grant money that we received because of the COVID-19 pandemic. The gardens n...

Lumien Apartments community grateful to community partners

Our team at the Lumien apartments wanted to share our heartfelt gratitude for the numerous community partners that have supported us in our first year of operations at Lumien 2. ...

Community Connections grateful for community support

Community Connections’ Board of Directors and staff members offer our deepest gratitude for the incredible support we received this giving season from our generous community. From...

Comfort Keepers grateful to The Yellow Carrot and front line workers

Comfort Keepers In Home Care would like to thank The Yellow Carrot for working within our budget to supply all of our amazing caregivers with wonderful delicious dinners to share with their ...

Hillcrest Golf Club keeps Durango sane and active

We are writing to thank and appreciate Hillcrest Golf Club. Throughout the pandemic, Hillcrest stayed open and provided the community with quality and safe outdoor activity. During a very di...

Local residents grateful to Mercy Hospice House

We want to express our heartfelt gratitude to the Mercy Hospice House for the tender and superb care they gave our sister Sally Bulow during the last weeks of her life. We feel so fortunate ...

Cancer Coalition thankful for volunteers

I deeply appreciate and want to say thank you to the volunteers of the Cancer Coalition of Southwest Colorado for stepping up to the plate and maintaining the Cancer Resource Center during t...

Comfort Keepers grateful to front line workers

Comfort Keepers In Home Care would like to take this opportunity to graciously say thank you to all of the front-line workers who continue to show up to take care of those in need. With grea...

Womenade grateful to donors

The Womenade Council is sincerely grateful to donors for their generosity toward women in our community. The November Womenade fundraiser helped four women with one-time grants needed for ne...