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Public Lands Day: A great day to be outside, enjoy and get informed about a threat to public lands

Some Americans are not so lucky. They will never experience the majesty of the American West and the bounty and the beauty of its public lands. These lands and the waters that flo...

Local museums thrive on tourism

Communities love their museums; they just don’t love them enough to keep them in business. Just like local retailers and restaurants, museums depend on tourists for attendance and revenue. S...

Colorado Welcome Center in Cortez stops displaying some marijuana ads

State tourism policies on pot advertising under review

Durango Tourism Office expects a bright summer

Locals urged to accept tourists

Residents sound off about e-bikes on Durango area trails

Community seems split on one-year trial

Silverton to vote in April on in-town ATV rules

Voters to choose among options to ban, open up or adjust existing rules

Durango gymnastics building opens

City spends $2.1 million on new building

Skiers, boarders say Ski Hesperus offers an affordable, convenient option

In the two weeks since Ski Hesperus opened for winter under new management, the slopes have seen a steady flow of skiers and snowboarders who say it offers an affordable and convenient optio...

An audio tour of the Trail of the Ancients is coming in 2017

Grant will fund podcasts about regional landmarks

Montezuma County agrees to adopt historic Bedrock bridge

Classic truss span could be used for recreation trail

Santa Rita Visitor Center may become self-serve

Sewage treatment construction will guide decision to staff center

Durango’s big on charm

Being on top-10 lists is nothing new for Durango. Best true West town, best recreational town, best beer town, best mountain biking town – if there’s a category that applies to us, it’s like...