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‘Mask marshals’ bring Old West and COVID-19 awareness to Durango

Actors use historical themes in educational outreach to tourists

Train lovers rejoice: Durango railroad will resume trips to Silverton

Last passenger run to reach historic mining town was in October 2019

Tourism 2020: Not great, but Southwest Colorado dodged a bullet

Strong late summer helps ease the pain from spring

Lodgers tax comes up big in La Plata County, despite pandemic

Significant increase driven by tourism during pandemic

Main lift at Purgatory Resort resumes service after chair-spacing problem

Ski area worked with six-pack’s maker to resolve problem, which began Monday

USA Today: When you visit Colorado, make sure to catch Durango

10-day road trip features extra Southwest adventures

City wants input on recreation at Lake Nighthorse

How can everyone share the fun?

Silverton’s sixth town administrator in seven years resigns

Departure highlights divide in town, some residents say

Proposed Durango lodgers tax increase to make April ballot

Additional revenue would go toward tourism, transit and the arts

Durango lodgers tax increase would fund marketing, transit and arts

City sees rate increase as tool for economic diversity

Durango-to-Purgatory Resort route a hotbed of activity

Law enforcement sees increase of DUIs, speeding during winter months on Hwy. 550

Time ticking on whether to ask voters for Durango lodgers tax increase

After decades of debate, consensus seems close