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Federal shutdown ends

Short-term budget passed through Feb. 8

Montezuma County activists protest shrinking of monuments

Rally at Canyons of the Ancients supports Bears Ears

Canyons cleared: Local monument is safe, but review process has a harmful hidden agenda

Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke has announced officially what he said informally a few weeks ago: Canyons of the Ancients National Monument has survived the review process intact. ...

Interior head suggests reducing Bears Ears National Monument

Ute Mountain Ute tribal member ‘appalled’

America last: Trump’s actions leave U.S. behind, dismiss input and risk public resources

It is all quite shocking. By withdrawing from the Paris climate accord, President Trump dismissed the advice of his daughter Ivanka, Secretary of State Tillerson and business lead...

It’s propaganda, not fake news

The article you published by David Brooks, The New York Times columnist, is more propaganda than news. He fears the loss of faith in civilization after the age of Obama, Cameron a...

Public Lands Day: A great day to be outside, enjoy and get informed about a threat to public lands

Some Americans are not so lucky. They will never experience the majesty of the American West and the bounty and the beauty of its public lands. These lands and the waters that flo...

San Juan Wilderness: The act, overdue for support and passage by Congress, gets another try

Springtime is the season of renewal, so it is appropriate that efforts to pass the San Juan Mountains Wilderness Act are ramping up right now. Introduced in 2009 and last consider...

Bennet vows to fight president on immigration, Climate change

Senator visited Durango on two-day tour of state

Bureau of Land Management targets sensitive lands in Southwest Colorado

Improved management sought to prevent damages

Public Lands Day bill sparks criticism of Washington management in Colorado

GOP amendment asserts inadequate fed deference to local uses

Colorado public lands bill could become battleground

Comes as nation watches standoff in Oregon