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Secretary of State Jena Griswold adopts temporary Colorado election security rules

Changes come amid beaches with voting equipment in some counties

Some Democrats speak out against party-shifting as a voter strategy

3rd District candidate says focus should be on organizing, educating voters

Mesa County Clerk Tina Peters arrested for allegedly recording court hearing

Grand jury is investigating election official for possible security breach in her office

Elbert County clerk ordered to disclose information about alleged election system hard drive copy

Colorado secretary of state says actions represent ‘a potential breach of security protocols’

Bennet, Hickenlooper disappointed over voting rights bill’s failure

Legislation’s progress was stymied by Senate Republicans, two Democrats

Ethics complaint alleges Tina Peters’ legal defense fund lacks transparency

Mesa County clerk accused of illegally accepting donations

Lawsuit seeks to block Mesa County clerk from overseeing 2022 election

Colorado secretary of state says she wants to ensure ‘voters have the elections they deserve’

Mesa County clerk announces re-election bid amid grand jury investigation

Tina Peters is suspected of allowing an unauthorized person to attend a voting software update

Mesa County grand jury will investigate Clerk Tina Peters, prosecutors say

Mesa County election official has been under scrutiny in connection with a security breach

Ignacio voters expected to decide whether to allow marijuana sales in town

Board members working on ballot language for April municipal election

Former Denver-based Dominion executive files lawsuit against conservative talk show host

Defamation suit says Clay Clark monetized false claims, ‘tarnished’ reputation

Prayer, conspiracies and fundraising: Supporters of Mesa County Clerk Tina Peters hold another rally following FBI search

Tina Peters and Sherronna Bishop – among others – are under criminal investigation