Sarah Silvernail
Position: Staff reporter
Phone Number: (970), 375-4566

And the West is History

100 years ago: “A one-story frame house in Animas City owned by Jack McCormick was destroyed by fire. The Durango department was called by someone who said Mercy hospital was ablaze. A good ...

And the West is History

100 years ago: “A small amount of coal was destroyed in a fire in the coal bin at the light plant. A spark from the lime kilns in the vicinity is blamed for the blaze. The city firemen respo...

And the West is History

100 years ago: “Earl Barber, the smelter chemist, has a painful cut on his right arm as a result of the bursting of a glass tube with which he was working. A sliver of glass severed a small ...

And the West is History

100 years ago: “The celebration of Halloween has already started. A crew of young kids who seem anxious to take the ‘hallow’ out of Halloween have been busy for several nights. Halloween fal...

And the West is History

100 years ago: “Yesterday was a real scorcher. The sun beat down good and hot. More beautiful weather even in the San Juan Basin is hard to find.” 75 years ago: “The first peaceti...

And the West is History

100 years ago: “The Mancos schools have closed on account of an epidemic of scarlet fever. Three cases, all in a mild form, have been reported, and the health authorities are taking every me...

And the West is History

100 years ago: “The fire near Elk Park is under control, according to word received here, but it is still burning. An entire mountain side of heavy spruce timber was damaged.” 75 ...

And the West is History

100 years ago: “City Manager Hood has a force of men at work putting crushed stone on Fifth Avenue and other streets where it is badly needed. The county stone crusher is being used.” ...

And the West is History

100 years ago: “A report of a serious forest fire three miles south of Elk Park was received where an entire mountain side of heavy spruce timber is burning. ... The danger from fire has sel...

And the West is History

100 years ago: “If you desire to look at a perfect specimen of potatoes, call around and size up the beauties left in the office by Felix Vanderweile. Each potato weighs about 2½ pounds and ...

And the West is History

100 years ago: “Joe Spat and Felix Tavernaio, the jail breakers, have not yet been caught. Reports that they have been seen at various points were heard on the streets but no information of ...

And the West is History

100 years ago: “A serious forest fire in the Durango national forest of Little Elk Creek has been burning for three days and the destruction of a great amount of valuable timber is certain. ...