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And the West is History

And the West is History: Fiesta Parade – 1963

And the West is History: Downtown Billboard – 1910

And the West is History: Cannon Ball Stage System – ca. 1935

And the West is History: Parade Past the Old High School – ca. 1940

And the West is History: Freight Train to Farmington – 1966

And the West is History: Herald-Democrat – ca. 1950

And the West is History: Durango Flood Scene – 1911

And the West is History: Durango City Hall and Fire Department – 1885

And the West is History: Gold King Mill – La Plata District – ca. 1936

And the West is History: Mercy Hospital – 1956

And the West is History: Joy Cabin – ca. 1950

And the West is History: Original Red Barn Bar-B-Q – ca. 1960

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