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Bayfield mourns loss of well-respected middle school English teacher

Michelle Wennerstrom was known for finding ways to relate tough material to students’ every day lives

Durango builder establishes vocational school in Guatemalan town

Fundación San Mateo enrolls 220 middle and high school students in 2023

Durango school district receives email threat

Law enforcement says the email was part of a hoax

Bayfield High School student named to Colorado All State Symphony

Lily Muir deemed one of the state’s best young bassists

Durango, Ignacio school districts call snow day Monday

Bayfield operating under two-hour delay

State Historical Fund grants $250K for Root Cellar Barn at The Old Fort in Hesperus

Building deficiencies were harming crops grown by students in Fort Lewis College’s Farmer In Training Program

Colorado becomes one of the first to employ an incarcerated professor

CAÑON CITY – On a late-November afternoon, at the head of a cramped classroom, David Carrillo stood at a small podium and quizzed 17 students on macroeconomic terminology. For the two-hour c...

Four Corners storm closes schools in San Juan County

Jackknifed semitrailer closes U.S. Highway 160 south of Cortez

Fort Lewis College to cover student tuition for families with yearly income under $70K

Institution looks to increase access to higher education through a combination of funding sources

Durango school district receives $50K donation for SOIL grow dome

La Plata County CSU Extension Office’s contribution will help alleviate cost for district, as 9-R showcases sustainability efforts

Durango High School students raising money for hands-on learning opportunity in Panama

Members of Future Health Professionals club seeks funding to give access to health care in Latin America

As student debt declines in Colorado, a new report says a postsecondary credential is essential to earning more

A new report shows that a postsecondary degree or certificate in Colorado is well worth the time, energy and money. The more education workers ages 25 and older have, the more their earnings...
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