
Is Durango 9-R School District really all-inclusive?

As we know, local Durango 9-R School District has repeatedly boasted and stood strong for an all-inclusive environment, welcoming of all students and staff. But, are they really all-inclusi...

Politicizing wildfire recovery would hurt all of the West

There hasn’t been much snow yet this winter. I don’t know about everyone else, but I’m watching the LA fires and worrying about what Durango’s summer will be like. Congress is considering at...

Build smarter

I noticed what wasn’t harmed by the hurricanes east of the Mississippi and the current fires on the west coast – brick and/or stone fireplaces. It wouldn’t hurt for homeowners to learn the ...

Say ‘no’ to Sundance, and state tax breaks, festival will worsen affordability

Two recent news articles (Herald, Jan. 12) helped me learn of a threat to the workers and families in resort towns in Colorado. I appreciate the Herald reprinting them. Page 5A: “House B...

Leftist crazies now support premeditated murder

The usual mask-wearing crowd of leftists and anarchists that take over the southwest corner of Buckley park every Sunday have reached yet another low. Under the Food Not Bombs banner they p...

Class issues present spiritual tests

I rarely think about how stratified our local society is until I witness our neighbors struggling. Here’s news that makes me think: TARA Food Pantry in Arboles had 50 families request food i...

What do we tell our children?

How do we tell our children that our president is a convicted felon? If the president is an example, is it OK to disobey and potentially commit crimes, even if minor? John Hopkins D...

The irony of Jan. 20, 2025

Monday, Jan. 20, is the MLK holiday. It also is the presidential inauguration. The irony lies in what these two men represent and committed their lives to. Dr. King was born into a preacher...

Manifest Destiny or manifest insanity?

What goes through Trump’s mind is unfathomable, and that is not because he outshines Stephen Hawking. His latest incarnation as El Conquistador bears this out. Of all the things that need to...

Seeking county and LPEA fire mitigation information

The devastation of the California fires has fueled memories of the 416 Fire in La Plata County. With this letter, I am requesting that La Plata County and LPEA provide an update to the Heral...

Let’s hope Trump White House doesn’t forget Carter’s example

Thank you for an excellent editorial on Jimmy Carter (Herald, Jan. 8). I'd suggest one additional sentence be added: 'It is hoped the White House will not forget in the next four years the i...

Some thoughts on ‘Let’s have just one flag’

I do understand a recent letter writer’s passion for the American flag (Herald, Jan. 5) and what it represents, however there are many symbols that people feel passionate about and feel repr...
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