
Seeking county and LPEA fire mitigation information

The devastation of the California fires has fueled memories of the 416 Fire in La Plata County. With this letter, I am requesting that La Plata County and LPEA provide an update to the Heral...

Let’s hope Trump White House doesn’t forget Carter’s example

Thank you for an excellent editorial on Jimmy Carter (Herald, Jan. 8). I'd suggest one additional sentence be added: 'It is hoped the White House will not forget in the next four years the i...

Some thoughts on ‘Let’s have just one flag’

I do understand a recent letter writer’s passion for the American flag (Herald, Jan. 5) and what it represents, however there are many symbols that people feel passionate about and feel repr...

Flags at half-staff for the next four years?

As the end of Joe Biden’s term is approaching, I suggest we have a national day of mourning for the end of democracy as we know it. A dictator has been voted in. A guy who tried to overthro...

How could we forget what really happened on Jan. 6?

Any conceivable move to punish members of the Jan. 6. Commission is an unfathomable, “I’m your retribution” reminder. What happened? Collective amnesia, maybe from COVID-19? Fluoride in the ...

Childhood trauma suggests a different story

Reading Jackson Clark’s tribute to Tyrone Yazzie (Herald, Jan. 5), the young, Indigenous man who worked in Clark’s art gallery and died living homeless and addicted to alcohol, raised a conc...

Seeking respectful cooperation these next four years

Since the election, just about every response in every newspaper column locally and nationally has been Trump bashing. Rancor and contention are certainly not the ways to promote or generate...

Hope for civil conversation short-lived

Well, that didn’t take long. After reading the story (Herald, Dec. 29) about the state Republican Party threatening Durango School District 9-R, it seems any hope for a civil conversation wi...

GOP’s ‘hateful, threatening’ words at odds with board, DEI

The story, “State GOP threatens to sue schools,” (Herald, Dec. 29) dissects an email written by two GOP party leaders threatening Durango School District 9-R, individual board members and an...

Less divided than we think, consider different points of view

We are told we live in a polarized political environment. It is worth considering that there are many issues on which there are clear majorities of opinion. Most of these were never acknowle...

Thinking smarter about our health, omit fluoride

Ah, fluoride! “You say yes, I say no.” When we become subjective about anything, nothing will change – lead, mercury, aluminum, chlorine, fluoride … Let’s look at science. Science is only va...

Flags represent oft ignored human elements

Recent outrage over Black Lives Matter and LGBTQIA+ flags in classrooms seems a bit misplaced. Neither of these flags, nor the issues they highlight, is inherently political. Rather, they ha...
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