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Leadership shuffle underway for Colorado political parties

Two people have entered the race to head Democratic, Republican parties

Steve Wells spent only 30% of the $11 million set aside to beat Polis, Colorado Democrats

GOP donor says he intended to spend the full amount but refunded the majority after others declined to join him

The eight Colorado districts Democrats flipped from the GOP

Democrats were bracing for losses on Election Day. Instead, they expanded their majorities

How the counties voted in the race between Lauren Boebert and Adam Frisch

Boebert won by a large margin in Mesa County, while Frisch secured big victories in Pueblo and La Plata counties

New Mexico begins certification process for midterm election

SANTA FE – Midterm election results were certified Tuesday by at least two county commissions in New Mexico at the start of a once-routine process that in some locations has become a focal p...

Boebert blames her close race on turnout and top-of-ticket Republicans. Here’s what the numbers say.

She outperformed the GOP’s U.S. Senate and gubernatorial candidates in some of the district’s 27 counties

Elbert County clerk loses bid to block election monitor

A monitor was appointed because Elbert County Clerk Dallas Schroeder is accused of mishandling ballots in the primary

Election Day will get last lunar eclipse until 2025

The moon will be close to Mars and a red star called Antares, a ‘fortuitous placement’ of three red things in the sky

Election conspiracies and ‘chaos’ in politics prime talking points at Democratic event

State and federal candidates make appearance at Powerhouse Science Center

Voters across Colorado’s high country will weigh short-term rentals, affordable housing

As many as 14 Colorado municipalities and counties will ask voters next month to increase or repurpose taxes on short-term rental properties – offered on sites by Airbnb and Vrbo – to help fund affordable housing

U.S. Rep. Lauren Boebert talks defense of Dolores River Corridor

Representative meets with Ute Mountain Ute, Dolores County officials Saturday

Resort owner’s donations to Lauren Boebert’s campaign irks ski industry climate advocates

Owner of Wyoming’s Jackson Hole Mountain Resort has long supported candidates who oppose progressive climate policy