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Primary turnout in La Plata County outpaces 2018

Races for Colorado’s 3rd Congressional District, statewide and national offices bring out voters

Griswold, Peters spend on advertising ahead of Colorado’s June primary

Griswold could compete against Peters in the general election

Democrats running in 3rd Congressional District primary discuss guns at Durango forum

3 Democrats pitch their ideas about safety during event at library

6 big areas where the two Republicans running for U.S. Senate in Colorado disagree

Hanks and O’Dea disagree on abortion, climate change and how to beat Bennet in November

Gloves come off in first debate between congressional candidates Don Coram and Lauren Boebert

Republican primary opponents offered voters a glimpse of their different approaches to legislating

State Sen. Don Coram and U.S. Rep. Lauren Boebert to debate Thursday in Ignacio

Republican candidates will meet as they campaign for Congressional District 3

State Rep. Barbara McLachlan looks back on 2022 legislative session

Bills on education, Fort Lewis marked accomplishments while climate change legislation faltered

Campaign sign placed in front of Durango-area church raises questions

Church of Christ on Florida Mesa is tax-exempt, but rules apply when it comes to politicking

Durango reacts to draft decision that would overturn Roe v. Wade

Groups express despair and elation, but acknowledge ruling would have limited impact in Southwest Colorado

Coloradans can expect a wave of anonymous political texts as 2022 campaign revs up

Laws require people, groups behind political text messages disclose who they are, but that seldom happens

Colorado’s Crow travels with Pelosi to Kyiv for meeting with Zelenskyy

Crow said he came to Ukraine with three areas of focus: ‘weapons, weapons and weapons’

La Plata County commissioner candidate told he can’t gather signatures on 9-R school grounds

Superintendent to review and update policies related to political activities