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Colorado Supreme Court approves new congressional map drawn by redistricting commission

The court rejected arguments from Democratic and Latino groups that the map contains voting rights issues

How will questions about Boebert’s role in Jan. 6 attacks affect her bid for re-election?

Congresswoman denies meeting with organizers ahead of event

Colorado school board contests, stoked by COVID, draw partisan fervor, big money

Coronavirus and critical race theory motivate national groups, wealthy individuals, parties to get involved in local races

Property taxes would more than triple for Colorado short-term rental owners under proposal

State Sen. Chris Hansen, a Denver Democrat, said the change is aimed at ensuring schools and fire departments have enough local funding

Independent candidate spent 2½ years fighting election complaints in Colorado

Paul Jones, who ran for House District 59, says party leaders work against unaffiliated candidates

Latest Colorado legislative draft maps would leave Democrats in control

Commission sets Oct. 12 as deadline to vote on final state House, Senate maps

Changes in Colorado congressional map avoid pitting House members against each other

Sweeping, L-shaped district would cover most of the Western Slope and southern Colorado

Democrats poised to keep control of Colorado Legislature under latest draft redistricting maps

Maps released Monday are first drawn using 2020 census data

Lauren Boebert is becoming a big name in fundraising – for Democrats

Candidates, some who won’t even face her, use congresswoman as foil to bring in campaign cash

Draft of Colorado’s congressional map would create a new dynamic in the state

Public hearings scheduled this week about proposed revision of district boundaries

Dick Lamm remembered for his policy, passion and prescience

Colorado political figures honored Lamm’s contributions to the state at a memorial service in Denver

Boebert removes name from business filings tied to husband’s consulting firm

The Garfield County Republican updated business filings to remove her name. It’s not clear if she is an owner of the company