Wife’s texts to co-worker viewed as threat

DEAR ABBY: I am a 42-year-old male, married for 19 years with three teenage children. My wife recently decided to return to work after staying home with the kids as a full-time mom. She’s an...

School fails to protect student

DEAR ABBY: My daughter, who is in eighth grade, has slowly come out as lesbian. She enjoys makeup and fashion, but isn’t absolute in presenting in a feminine way. She is an artist and a musi...

Woman doesn’t like vibe husband giving off

DEAR ABBY: My husband is desperate for women’s attention, and I’m sure he’d cheat on me the instant he had the chance. We have been together for 12 years. When we met, he was 24 and I was 31...

Man proves to be more crybaby than caregiver

DEAR ABBY: I was just released from the hospital, and I suspect my husband is tapping his foot waiting for me to fix him lunch. He isn’t doing or saying anything overt, like “Get up and make...

Fishing pal is bigger catch

DEAR ABBY: I have been involved with a man I met online. We texted and talked for months before we met. He told me he had a lady friend he goes fishing with. He said she was just a friend. O...

Politics makes office-seeker uneasy

DEAR ABBY: There’s a social club within our retirement community that meets once a month, and I have attended since moving here. During this time, I have brought new ideas and proposed new e...

Romance grows in blended family

DEAR ABBY: I have been dating my boyfriend, “George,” for 17 years after our divorces. I have three grown children. He has four – two of whom are still at home. We have never lived together....

Childhood friend knows whole truth

DEAR ABBY: Forty years ago, a neighborhood boy fathered a child with a neighborhood girl. “Billy” was 17 at the time, and “Becky” was 14 or 15. Both were friends of mine. They were not a ste...

Parents upset by daughter’s love life

DEAR ABBY: Three days before my daughter “Ginger’s” wedding, her fiance called to announce that he could not marry her because she’s bisexual. It’s something he knew about for a year but wai...

Friend concerned about homeless woman

DEAR ABBY: A good friend of 20 years has been homeless for several months. After a short stint of staying in various Airbnbs, she is now mostly living in her car. She has a good-quality, fre...

Man lets others do heavy lifting

DEAR ABBY: Our son plays a college sport for which he receives four complimentary tickets for each game. It works out well because there are four of us in his immediate family. However, my h...

Wife has new kind of workout in mind

DEAR ABBY: I’ve been married to the most amazing woman for 30 years. She became a personal trainer and is in incredible shape. I’m not in her kind of shape, and I can’t perform too well sexu...