Marriage to abuser has become prison

DEAR ABBY: I’ve been married to my husband for almost 43 years. We haven’t had sex in more than 10 years. He is a nasty drunk, which has grown worse. He is emotionally abusive and calls me l...

Grandparents prepare gift for thankless grandkids

DEAR ABBY: For years, we have given generous gifts to our six out-of-town grandchildren and received almost no thanks or acknowledgment. It hurts my feelings because I devote a lot of though...

Young adult weighs tough decision

DEAR ABBY: I'm 24 and not where I want to be in life. I have goals and dreams I would like to accomplish. However, my family is super family-oriented. I work for my dad in a family business....

Family wants relationship to end

DEAR ABBY: I live in a rural community in southern Indiana. It’s an “everyone goes to church on Sunday, and everyone knows everyone” kind of place. I was employed at the local health care ce...

Relationship crumbles after weekend apart

DEAR ABBY: I met a great woman, and we have been dating for a year and a half. We talk and message every day, we have our inside jokes, and her parents love me. My mother loves her, and the ...

Family sticks together despite differences

DEAR ABBY: I am one of nine children who all still get along. One sibling belongs to a religious order. At least one (for sure) is not a Christian. One is a born-again Christian. One of us i...

Holiday venue change leads to bickering

DEAR ABBY: For the last six years, my partner and I have hosted family Thanksgiving dinners. I always spend more time and energy than I have to make it beautiful and successful. This year, I...

Doctor’s visit ends in confusion

DEAR ABBY: I am a man in my 50s. A few months ago, I had a routine doctor’s appointment, with a new primary care physician. I intended the appointment to be a complete, regular physical. I d...

Family walks on eggshells amid struggles

DEAR ABBY: My son married a wonderful woman. Sadly, they are having great difficulty conceiving a baby. They have opted out of many conventional medical procedures because of their religious...

Wife’s puzzling behavior an obstacle

DEAR ABBY: I’m a lesbian. My wife and I have been married for nine years, but since COVID-19 and my mother’s death, we have had problems. I met a man online; he’s an actor. We grew close via...

Sibling hopes holiday tradition ends

DEAR ABBY: Is there any way to end the “holiday newsletter”? Every Christmas, I get one from a particular family member, which invariably includes a list of their glowing accomplishments, ex...

Relative’s cat has worn out welcome

DEAR ABBY: My mother-in-law, “Irma,” is a peach – she’s the sweetest person in the world. She will do anything for anyone to lend a helping hand. Two weeks ago, she fell and broke her femur,...