Son feels like the only adult

DEAR ABBY: I’ve been having an issue lately involving my mother. It feels like she isn’t really my “mother” but someone who thinks we’re best friends. It’s like she never really grew out of ...

Co-worker weighs wisdom of being side piece

DEAR ABBY: I met this guy at work. He was everything I’m looking for in a guy. During a lunch walk, he told me about his breakup with his ex and how he moved out and bought a house. He lives...

Overeaters Anonymous still doing hard work

DEAR ABBY: I recently watched a video of the founder of Overeaters Anonymous, Rozanne S., telling the story of founding the program and her own struggles with food. In it, she mentioned that...

Handsy male friends thumb noses at fiance

DEAR ABBY: My fiancee has a number of male friends she has known for years. One of them stops off at her work, brings food and gifts, and may go out with her after hours. Another called her ...

Aging father has made plans for assets

DEAR ABBY: I'm a single retired grandfather in the South. My daughter, 50, has hitched her wagon to an alcoholic. She’s circling the drain and going down with him. My grandsons are adults an...

Grandma feels slighted by stolen nickname

DEAR ABBY: We have five grandchildren. All but one call me MeeMaw. I’ve been MeeMaw since my first grandchild was born 15 years ago. Four years ago, our third grandchild was born, and the fo...

Online acquaintance wants to get closer

DEAR ABBY: I’m a 70-year-old Black woman who looks about 45 or 50. I recently met a man online while playing dominoes. We have been chatting back and forth for about two weeks now. He is 44,...

Woman targets man with disabilities

DEAR ABBY: My son “Ethan” is a visually impaired adult with disabilities. He’s articulate, down to earth and joyful to be around. He’s a homeowner in a nice area of town. A woman we met thro...

Daughter cuts off contact with family

DEAR ABBY: My older daughter, “Brianna,” age 42, does not want anything to do with me or her brother and sister-in-law. She keeps me from my granddaughter, who is 17. I have been divorced si...

Wife refuses to repeat tall tales

DEAR ABBY: My husband of almost 40 years is not well. He has been a good provider, but his life stories are heavily laced with lies. That has been very difficult for me to live with. I belie...

Girlfriend finally calls it quits

DEAR ABBY: My girlfriend and I broke up after six years. Both of us have children from marriages that ended seven years ago. We reached a point a year and a half ago and started looking for ...

Granddaughters’ bikinis make waves at gathering

DEAR ABBY: I have two granddaughters and four grandsons. My granddaughters, ages 19 and 20, wear thong bikinis at family swim events in front of their dad, grandpa, uncles and cousins. I bel...