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Husband’s temper worsens after layoff

DEAR ABBY: When my husband, “Wayne,” and I were dating 15 years ago, he would occasionally get angry and stalk off or bust a bag of chips, but after I gave him time alone, he’d be back like ...

Partner choice about to end inheritance

DEAR ABBY: I’m a 67-year-old father to a wonderful daughter. She has decided to stay with her boyfriend, who recently got out of jail for stealing $200,000 from his grandparents. Because of ...

Famous brownie recipe comes with warning

DEAR ABBY: I have read that you have a sweet tooth. I do, too. That’s why I’m interested in your recipe booklets, particularly if you have included dessert recipes. Which ones do you particu...

Daughter told she shares blame for divorce

DEAR ABBY: I am the 18-year-old daughter (and third child) of parents who are going through a divorce after being together for 36 years. I need your insight on this because I am unsure. My f...

Man tells wife to find side piece

DEAR ABBY: I have been married for the last 25 years to a wonderful man, “Frank.” We are very happy in all areas except for intimacy. Frank has lost all interest in intimacy and sex. It bega...

Divorcee wonders if there are any ‘good’ men out there

DEAR ABBY: I am sad that I haven’t found a long-lasting husband. I’m divorced, and my previous relationships and marriage look like intentional hits. I’m not sure what brought this on. I’m i...

Son won’t allow mom to find happiness

DEAR ABBY: My sister “Sandy” divorced her husband 15 years ago. Her oldest son, “Nick,” has never gotten over it. He’s 30 now and has treated her badly over the years. He not only vandalized...

Crush leaves woman struggling to move on

DEAR ABBY: I am a lesbian who recently experienced heartbreak by falling in love with my mentor and boss. I didn’t want it to happen, but it did. The time we spent together was a balance of ...

Frightened wife tired of living a lie

DEAR ABBY: I have been deceiving my husband for a couple of months and can’t figure out how to come clean. I feel like a terrible person. We have been married 17 years, and during the first ...

Three’s more than a crowd

DEAR ABBY: My boyfriend is 18 years younger than I am. Our relationship hasn’t been perfect, but I love him to death. Unfortunately, I’m going through menopause and have all the side effects...

New sounds drift through neighborhood

DEAR ABBY: My husband and I live in a lovely older neighborhood and have enjoyed wonderful neighbors over many years. The homes are close together with windows often left open in spring, sum...

Longtime friendship collapses amid lies, drugs

DEAR ABBY: The first Christmas my future husband and I were dating, he gave me an angel ring. I asked him to take me to a bar where my best friend worked so I could show it to her. When I sh...