
How to describe troubled daughter?

DEAR ABBY: Our daughter (age 21) has made a series of bad choices and failed relationships since she was 16. She went to college and quit (twice), joined the Air Force and hated it, but mana...

Stepdad unnerved by lack of modesty

DEAR ABBY: I have been married to my second wife for 10 years. Most everything is fine, but we have one area of conflict. It is regarding her daughter, my stepdaughter, who has grown from a ...

Back away from complicated romance

DEAR ABBY: My son dated a girl for 3½ years in high school. Both were sure they had found their life mate. While my husband and I knew it was a long shot, they believed it was true because t...

Guests ruin joy of treasured items

DEAR ABBY: How do I deal with guests and friends who make unfortunate comments about personal belongings in my home? For example, I have a favorite print of a woman seated at a table. A frie...

Communication key in relationship

DEAR ABBY: My boyfriend and I are in our late 20s and have been together six years. He’s a great boyfriend, and I’m happy in every way except one. Since we moved in together a year and a hal...

History of abuse leads to ultimatum

DEAR ABBY: My son is demanding that I tell his father and brother to call him to apologize for past behaviors and attitudes that hurt him. He says if I don’t, he will no longer come home for...

Is even split of parenting OK?

DEAR ABBY: Five months ago, my relationship of 10 years ended. I discovered my boyfriend had been unfaithful on more than one occasion. He didn’t want to fix the relationship, and I could no...

Man repeatedly disregards wife’s complaint

DEAR ABBY: I’m an older woman. My husband and I have been married eight years but were together 15 years before our marriage. He is a wonderful, caring man in most ways. But from time to tim...

Friend’s spouse ducks out during visits

DEAR ABBY: About 10 years ago, I visited my oldest and dearest friend, who I see a few times a year. The last time, her husband, who I’ve also known for years and who I thought was a friend,...

Middle-aged daughter takes no responsibility

DEAR ABBY: My 40-year-old daughter has never grown up. Until recently, she relied on her grandmother to make ends meet. Her grandmother died, and now I’m all she has. After she was fired fro...

Woman asks Abby to convey message

DEAR ABBY: There is a man, “Gus,” I am completely, madly in love with. The issue is, he likes to drink – a lot. The only thing he wants to do when he’s not sleeping or working is drink. His ...

In-laws’ celebrations too pricey

DEAR ABBY: My daughter and son-in-law are expecting their second child. Everyone is very happy for them. The problem is the difference between her in-laws’ beliefs and mine. I was brought up...