
Woman asks Abby to convey message

DEAR ABBY: There is a man, “Gus,” I am completely, madly in love with. The issue is, he likes to drink – a lot. The only thing he wants to do when he’s not sleeping or working is drink. His ...

In-laws’ celebrations too pricey

DEAR ABBY: My daughter and son-in-law are expecting their second child. Everyone is very happy for them. The problem is the difference between her in-laws’ beliefs and mine. I was brought up...

Aging mother refuses to discuss wishes

DEAR ABBY: My mom turns 85 this year. When my father died of congestive heart failure 10 years ago, our family had a clear understanding of Dad’s wishes about the end-of-life care he wanted....

Boyfriend rages when demands for sex denied

DEAR ABBY: I’m a 37-year-old stay-at-home mother of two teens. I’ve been in a relationship with a guy I’ll call “Doug” for four years. I feel he only wants me here for sex. If I say no, he e...

Avoidance of sick relative breeds resentment

DEAR ABBY: Is it normal for people to ignore relatives who have Alzheimer’s? My father spent more than two years in a veterans hospital before his death. During that time, he was visited reg...

In-law appoints herself permanent emcee

DEAR ABBY: I have a sister-in-law, “Helen,” who has appointed herself as the final word on all family events. No other relative has any input into when, where, what, etc., regarding any fami...

Man dating ‘estranged’ wife unsure of future

DEAR ABBY: My wife and I have been together more than 20 years. Our relationship grew stale over time, and a couple of years ago, she decided to leave me. However, over the few years, even t...

Mother-in-law is a menace

DEAR ABBY: I married a wonderful, thoughtful man 30 years ago. His family accepted me and were very kind, with the exception of his mother. She hardly looked at or talked to me. If she did t...

Lack of intimacy puts marriage at crossroads

DEAR ABBY: I’m 55 and have been married to my husband for 22 years. He was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease 12 years ago. He’s mobile but on oxygen and has lost most of his stamina. At t...

Marriage of convenience now inconvenient

DEAR ABBY: Eighteen years ago, I married a man so he could get health insurance and have back surgery. It was supposed to be short-lived. He fell in love with me and wouldn’t leave. He’s put...

Treatment of female relatives has crossed line

DEAR ABBY: My daughter “Lia” and her husband, “Jerry,” visited his mother and stepdad, “Gil,” a few months ago. Gil gave Lia an inappropriate hug, with his hand sliding to her buttocks. Lia ...

Couple quarrels over America’s past

DEAR ABBY: I am a Hispanic-American woman who has been married to my husband for three years. He was born and raised in North Carolina. He’s a wonderful person. We both share a passion for a...