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'Boring’ fiber is anything but

Let’s talk about dietary fiber! I get it: If this was a phone screen you would swipe as fast to the left as possible while saying, “next, please.” Well as boring as dietary fiber is, it mig...

How to shop for heart healthy oil

I recently got this question from a client: “Why is vegetable oil bad if it’s made from vegetables?” Great, great question. The simple answer is any healthy oil can be turned unhealthy for t...

Healing foods to combat acid reflux

Acid reflux affects one-third of the Americans today, and 15 million Americans experience symptoms daily. You’re not alone if you suffer from a burning in your chest, difficulty swallowing, ...

Ditch evening snacks to sleep better and feel your best

Do you know that feeling? The one where you’ve finished a healthy dinner and then thought to yourself, “I need a snack.” Then, before you know it, the entire bag of chips or carton of ice cr...

Does undereating really increase binge eating?

It’s that time of year when we tend to be more susceptible to filling our bellies “like bowls full of jelly”! For many, this tendency to “binge eat” is not only a struggle during the holiday...

Healthier baking this holiday season

It’s that time of year when we dust off grandma’s favorite recipes to create home-cooked meals and treats to nourish our souls through the holiday season. Many dread this time of year becau...

Alcoholic beverages: Let’s go there

Let’s face it: Healthy nutrition can be a challenge when you find yourself staring into a giant pan of freshly baked brownies or enjoying a dinner with friends only to drink way too much win...

Belly fat: What you don’t see in the mirror

Millions of Americans struggle to prevent or lose accumulated belly fat. Many times, the No. 1 focus is our appearance. However, belly fat is also terrible for your health. There are two ty...

Cholesterol and foods to enjoy

Does talk about cholesterol, HDL, LDL and triglycerides make your head spin? If so, you’re not alone, even though millions of Americans are dealing with unhealthy cholesterol numbers that pu...

Simple but powerful: How to shop for healthful food

What’s easier, pulling a train uphill or navigating the aisles of a grocery store to find food that’s not only delicious but healthful? Many might take their chances with the train because a...

Shift your focus to gain momentum with your health

Has your determination to lose weight created the perfect storm of guilt, food dissatisfaction and unhealthy body image that follows you around? As a dietitian with a health-driven nutrition...

The heavy hitters in the ’dirty food’ world

If you want to feed your body healthier food, you can simplify it even beyond the games of balancing calories and macronutrients (amounts of protein, fat, and carbohydrates). The first best ...