
While we’re dreaming of snow, let’s talk about how it’s made

By Gabi Morey and Kristie Borchers “Whose woods these are I think I know. His house is in the village though; He will not see me stopping here To watch his woods fill up wi...

No snow? Why not try ice skating in the high country?

As I write this in Durango on Dec. 14, it is so dry that the light breeze blows dust along the blue sky. The extended weather forecast does not call for any precipitation. Where ...

In loving memory: Small cemeteries play important role

Small, rural cemeteries of La Plata County have played an important role in the lives of early settlers. These burial places have allowed people to honor their families and frien...

Hunting on your national forest and Bureau of Land Management lands

By Alan Peterson There’s a lot more to an enjoyable hunt than getting a license or taking a hunter’s safety course. Do you know where you are going to start your hunt and what the...

If water is life, there should be life in your water

“I was water brought to lifted leaves of daffodils and day lilies/Drank into the grace of trees – the aspens like the willows weep.” – from “Drop” by Elephant RevivalTo say “water is lif...

The next generation of wilderness defenders

“Shoo!” “Scram!” “Oooogaboogaboogaboo!” The Wilderness Information Specialists in training started throwing rocks at a hollow log. The sound startled the mountain goats and they r...

Food-conservation efforts have always been here

By Ruth Lambert San Juan Mountains Association April 2017 marked the 100th anniversary of the United States entry into World War I. With the war, our country sent many ...

Get outside and learn something new this summer

Whether you are new to the area, or have lived in the beautiful Four Corners for years, there is something new you can learn at one of the free programs sponsored by San Juan Mountains Asso...

Creating fire-adapted communities: It takes a village

This June marks the 15th anniversary of the Missionary Ridge and Valley fires and the fifth anniversary of the Weber and West Fork fires. Combined, these fires burned almost 200,000 acres. ...

Backpacking is work, but it doesn’t have to be hard work

By Dr. Will Rietveld Many of us moved to Southwest Colorado for the wonderful climate, people and abundant public lands. With millions of acres of public lands surrounding us, we ...

Art of misadventure: Appreciating the unpredictability

Not every adventure goes according to plan, but if it is not planned, the adventure might never go. This is the sentiment that occurred to me, not all at once, at some point in ...

Plenty of bird watching to be had in winter

Birding in winter? Many people think of birding in the spring, when migrants from the South come back to our own little corner of paradise. But birding in the winter can be fun and rewarding...