
Art of misadventure: Appreciating the unpredictability

Not every adventure goes according to plan, but if it is not planned, the adventure might never go. This is the sentiment that occurred to me, not all at once, at some point in ...

Plenty of bird watching to be had in winter

Birding in winter? Many people think of birding in the spring, when migrants from the South come back to our own little corner of paradise. But birding in the winter can be fun and rewarding...

Allison’s Turkey Packers Co-op

During the dark days of the Depression, the residents of La Plata County struggled to survive and, in the rural areas, families helped to sustain themselves as they made the most of their fa...

A new study of three Hispano cemeteries along the San Juan River

By Ruth Lambert San Juan Mountains Association In 1880, the Denver & Rio Grande Railroad pushed west from Antonito through Chama, New Mexico, and along the Navajo and S...

Our ‘spiritual’ insect friend, the praying mantis

While walking around Hawkins Preserve in Cortez on a recent morning, I happened upon an insect that is letting itself be seen more this time of year. I managed to carefully scoop her (or him...

Before you head out into the wild: Some tips for backpacking

Ah, the thrill of the wilderness! The mountain vistas! The serene lakes! The smell of the spruce trees! The aching back and feet! The soggy sleeping bag! Wait ... hang on ... these things do...

Subaru Traveling Trainers to visit the Four Corners

San Juan Mountains Association and the San Juan National Forest are hosting the Subaru Leave No Trace Traveling Trainers on July 11-17, with their focus on the Ice Lakes Basin trail located ...

Building community on the road to living with wildfire

In preparation for an upcoming Fire Adapted Communities Workshop, I was asked to prepare a short presentation on what drives me to do this job. The answer really gelled for me after attendin...

Do not disturb wildlife during the cold winter months

What an amazing mid-winter thaw! All this warm weather makes it hard to remember the preceding cold and snowy months of January and December and even early February. The deep snow and bitter...

Now’s a good time to know about – and watch out for– ice

As we have experienced in our area recently, ice is a reality in winter. Watching out for ice on the roads and sidewalks practically becomes second nature this time of year, not ...

Life beneath the snow and ice

Winter in Southwest Colorado is finally here! In this weather, our local animals have many survival strategies – they may migrate, hibernate or adapt their lives to the new surroundings. ...

Knowledge of trees helpful all year

It can be depressing to see fall leaves blow away into the dark days of winter. But conifer trees are always full of life. Even if you don’t celebrate Christmas, there is plenty to learn abo...