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Misleading election mailer concerns Colorado officials

La Plata County clerk and recorder says residents do not need to request mail-in ballot

Cortez Congressman to exit Washington stage

Republican Scott Tipton fought for water rights, small businesses and less bureaucracy

U.S. Supreme Court says Colorado ‘rogue elector’ broke rules

Presidential electors must cast vote for states’ popular vote candidate

Sen. Bernie Sanders wins statewide Colorado Democratic presidential primary

Vermont senator maintained support he earned in 2016, strategists say

How presidential candidates differ on health care, cost of college education

Front-runners explain how they plan to pay for proposals

Already voted for a candidate who dropped out – now what?

Buttigieg, Klobuchar and Steyer ended candidacies ahead of Super Tuesday

N.M. Legislature considers making state first presidential primary

Residents currently vote in June, which is tied for last in country

Presidential primary ballots should start arriving this week in La Plata County

Colorado will hold primary election after doing away with caucus system in 2016

Lauren Boebert, candidate for Congress, touts constitutional conservatism at Cortez rally

Rifle Republican looks to unseat Rep. Scott Tipton

National popular vote debated at Fort Lewis College

Movement wants president elected by nationwide tally

Debate will discuss popular vote vs. Electoral College

Fort Lewis College to host event

Democrats looking to unseat Sen. Cory Gardner to attend forum in Durango

Organizers say it’s the first time all candidates will be together