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N.Y. Times hits Trump on taxes

Report: Billionaire may have avoided payments for 18 years

Clinton says wave of shootings show need to protect children

CHARLOTTE, N.C. – Hillary Clinton said Sunday that the spate of gun violence in the United States should call the nation to do more to protect “all of God’s children.” Clinton add...

A grand and 9 friends can get you on Colorado ballot

Clerks say having 22 presidential candidates on ballot complicates process

Clinton, Trump battle fiercely over taxes, race, terror

Debate was confrontational from the start

A new approach for Trump

Campaign plans $140M ad buy

Experience vs. ego

Clinton’s deep debate history could shape encounter with Trump

Trump, Clinton respond to NYC bombs Responses illustrate differing styles

COLORADO SPRINGS – Donald Trump appeared to pre-empt New York City officials when he declared Saturday evening that a “bomb went off” in New York City before officials had released details. ...

In leaked emails, Powell calls Trump a ‘national disgrace’

WASHINGTON – In a trove of newly leaked emails, former Secretary of State Colin Powell calls Donald Trump “a national disgrace” and suggests his own Republican Party is “crashing and burning...

Clinton’s health under increased scrutiny

Attention could hurt in Colorado, other battleground states

Clinton falls ill during 9/11 memorial Candidate diagnosed with pneumonia on Friday

NEW YORK – Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton fell ill during a memorial service marking the 15th anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, and left abruptly, inse...

Forum puts focus on how Clinton is judged

Clinton says Trump faces less scrutiny

Poll shows presidential race nearly tied

In Colorado, Clinton campaign fights against apathy