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GOP struggles to embrace its nominee

The hole that Donald Trump has dug for himself keeps getting deeper. On nearly every front, his position continues to deteriorate. Unless he reverses course, Republicans are heading toward a...

Fiery Trump, sober Clinton at odds over Orlando attack

WASHINGTON – Donald Trump vowed Monday to impose a broad ban on immigration from areas of the world where terrorism is prevalent and suggested some Muslims in the United States are turning a...

Trump to headline conservative summit in Denver

Thousands expected at seventh annual event

Hostile takeover

Analysis: Ryan, Walker, Priebus and the agonies of Donald Trump

Obama backs Clinton, nudges Sanders

Vermont senator vows to work to stop Trump presidency

Warren, Biden lead coordinated Democratic attack on Trump

Vice President Biden and Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., delivered a one-two punch Thursday to Donald Trump in speeches that signaled the increasingly coordinated effort by Democrats to push...

Clinton’s attacks on Trump fire up supporters

Sanders says Democrats headed for contested convention

Clinton: Trump ‘dangerously incoherent,’ ‘temperamentally unfit’ to be president

Trump counters with critical tweets

Poll: Voters feel disconnected, helpless

WASHINGTON – Republicans and Democrats feel a massive disconnect with their political parties and helpless about the presidential election. That’s according to a new poll by the A...

Libertarians pick ex-N.M. Gov. Johnson for president

63-year-old wins on second ballot

Delegates in hand, Trump says he’s got GOP nomination

BISMARCK, N.D. – With a triumphant pile of delegates in hand, Republican Donald Trump on Thursday claimed support from “almost everybody” in his party and turned his attention to his likely ...

Trump to headline 1st fundraiser in Albuquerque

Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump is slated to headline his first official fundraiser in conjunction with the Republican National Committee Tuesday when he makes a cam...