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Bernie Sanders wins Wyoming

COLORADO SPRINGS – Bernie Sanders picked up another win in Wyoming – but it did nothing to help him gain ground in the delegate chase. Sanders, I-Vt., got word of his Wyoming win ...

Cruz makes clean sweep of Colorado

Takes all of state’s pledged delegates

Trump and Cruz making final pitches to Wisconsin voters

MILWAUKEE – After Donald Trump’s toughest stretch of the campaign, he and Ted Cruz made spirited final pitches Monday to Wisconsin voters, who will cast ballots Tuesday in a Republican prima...

The growing clout of the Hispanic vote

Latinos make up 21 percent of the West’s electorate, and Election-Day turnout is on the rise

Trump calls on Kasich to quit race: ‘He’s taking my votes’

MILWAUKEE – Donald Trump on Sunday called for John Kasich to drop out of the Republican presidential race, arguing that the Ohio governor shouldn’t be allowed to continue accumulating delega...

Kasich offers idea to save Social Security

Trump, Cruz battle for Wisconsin delegates

Clinton’s frustration grows as primary race drags on

Candidate expected race to be over by now

Trump’s abortion flub shows risks of ‘winging it’ on policy

APPLETON, Wis. – It was a question sure to come up at some point in the Republican primary campaign. “What should the law be on abortion?” asked MSNBC’s Chris Matthews to Donald T...

Trump, Ryan increasingly at odds over future of the GOP

WASHINGTON – Donald Trump wants to win the White House in the fall. Paul Ryan wants to save his vision of the Republican Party for years to come. Those goals put Trump and Ryan in...

Sanders wins 3 states; Clinton retains big delegate lead

WASHINGTON – Bernie Sanders scored three wins in Western caucus contests, giving a powerful psychological boost to his supporters but doing little to move him closer to securing the Democrat...

Sanders wins primary caucuses in Alaska and Washington

WASHINGTON – Bernie Sanders won Democratic presidential caucuses in Alaska and Washington state on Saturday, victories he hopes will stoke a spring comeback against the commanding front-runn...

The Republican Party had the worst week in Washington

Even Speaker Ryan can’t put a positive spin on presidential race