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Sanders wins primary caucuses in Alaska and Washington

WASHINGTON – Bernie Sanders won Democratic presidential caucuses in Alaska and Washington state on Saturday, victories he hopes will stoke a spring comeback against the commanding front-runn...

The Republican Party had the worst week in Washington

Even Speaker Ryan can’t put a positive spin on presidential race

Trump demands GOP embrace him as Dems unleash new attacks

WASHINGTON – A front-runner under attack from all sides, Republican Donald Trump demanded that his party’s skeptical establishment embrace the inevitability of his presidential nomination as...

Trump and Cruz tap their inner fishermen to reel in voting bloc

Donald Trump favors bespoke suits, jets, gilded New York towers and once declared on Twitter: “I’m not a hunter and don’t approve of killing animals.” Yet Sportsmen for Trump is rallying beh...

Anti-Trump protesters block traffic in Arizona, march in New York

Rally in Fountain Hills goes on as scheduled

Trump’s grammar in speeches ‘just below 6th grade level,’ study finds

George W. Bush’s speeches were at a 5th-grade level

Bernie getting burned

Sanders needs big-time wins, superdelegates to catch Clinton

Clinton defeats Sanders in Florida, Ohio and North Carolina

WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. – Hillary Clinton rolled up primary victories in Florida, Ohio and North Carolina on Tuesday, dealing a severe blow to Bernie Sanders’ bid to slow her march toward the ...

Trump tops Rubio in Florida, falls to Kasich in Ohio

Senator from Florida drops out of race

2016 race barrels toward potentially decisive primary day

HANOVERTON, Ohio – The tumultuous presidential primary season barreled toward a potentially decisive day for both Republicans and Democrats, with enough delegates up for grabs Tuesday to tur...

GOP Convention: Stock up on popcorn this could get interesting

Election wonks hungry for thrills of potential floor fight at gathering

GOP hopeful Donald Trump stands by his campaign rhetoric

BLOOMINGTON, Ill. – Showing no signs of trying to ease the nation’s tense political atmosphere, Republican front-runner Donald Trump is standing by his antagonistic campaign rhetoric, reject...