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The Blotter

Durango Police Department Wednesday 1:44 a.m. Someone reported a bear in the area of Hilltop House, 1050 Avenida del Sol. Tuesday 10:32 a.m. A vehicle hit the front of another vehicle and th...

The Blotter

Durango Police Department Tuesday 12:07 a.m. A man was in someone’s backyard with a flashlight, according to a report in the 1700 block of Forest Avenue. 2:56 a.m. A man hit someone ...

The Blotter

Durango Police Department Wednesday 3:27 a.m. Two people were attempting to break into a vehicle in the 2500 block of Columbine Drive. 2:41 p.m. Someone reported an abandoned e-bike ...

The Blotter

La Plata County Sheriff’s Office Tuesday 3:14 p.m. Someone reported illegal dumping north of Durango along U.S. Highway 550. 3:18 p.m. A man and a woman were fighting on Colorado Hig...

The Blotter

Durango Police Department Thursday 2:40 a.m. Loud music was coming from a vehicle in the 3500 block of West Second Avenue. Police issued a verbal warning. Wednesday 7:35 a.m. An injured deer...

The Blotter

La Plata County Sheriff’s Office Wednesday 8:04 a.m. Someone stole tools from a work truck on La Plata Highway (Colorado Highway 140). 8:07 a.m. Someone reported an assault at the La...

The Blotter

Durango Police Department Monday 1:47 a.m. A physical altercation reportedly occurred between two intoxicated females in the 3700 block of West Second Avenue. 10:46 a.m. Someone rep...

The Blotter

Durango Police Department Thursday La Plata County Sheriff’s Office Monday 10:55 a.m. Someone reported a camera was stolen from a vehicle on East Animas Road (County Road 250)...

The Blotter

Durango Police Department Wednesday, Sept. 1 2:31 a.m. A 30-year-old man was assaulted with rocks and had difficulty breathing in the 900 block of East Second Avenue. Tuesday, Aug. 31 ...

The Blotter

Durango Police Department Friday La Plata County Sheriff’s Office Wednesday 7:49 a.m. Syringes were found in the area of County Road 509. 4:05 p.m. Someone dumped trash il...

The Blotter

Durango Police Department Thursday 10:15 a.m. A possible assault was reported in the 200 block of East Eighth Avenue. 1:13 p.m. A man was walking in traffic in the 2600 block of Mai...

The Blotter

Durango Police Department Wednesday 11:16 p.m. A bike was stolen from a parking lot in the 2200 block of Main Avenue. 4:52 p.m. A suspicious man was hiding behind vehicles in the 35...