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Poll: Climate change not major concern for most

Climate change isn’t panicking Americans

Spacecraft offers new clues about Mars’ atmosphere

CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. – NASA’s Mars-orbiting Maven spacecraft has discovered that the sun likely robbed the red planet of its once-thick atmosphere and water. Scientists reported t...

Warmer world will come with high price

Study: Climate change will reduce global income

Most Earth-like planets may not even be born yet

A new study presents an interesting explanation for our failure to find intelligent life elsewhere in space: We might be on a planet that got to the party too early. The study, pu...

Scientists get peek at Pluto’s blue skies

NASA also finds water patches

One-two punch may have killed off the dinosaurs

New research suggests that the asteroid or comet that slammed into the Earth 66 million years ago rocked the planet so violently that it accelerated a massive volcanic eruption in India, a d...

Americans trashing the place more than thought

WASHINGTON – Americans are sending more than twice as much trash to landfills as the federal government has estimated, according to a new study. It turns out that on average Ameri...

New dinosaur species found in Alaska

ANCHORAGE, Alaska – Researchers have uncovered a new species of plant-eating dinosaur in Alaska, according to a report published Tuesday. The animal was a variety of hadrosaur, a ...

Earth’s trees are truly branching out

Study shows there are 3 trillion of them on the planet now

Warming may pose new risk from ancient viruses

Let’s get one thing out of the way really quickly: The ancient, giant virus recently discovered in melting Arctic ice is not going to kill you. But here’s the bad news: It’s not t...

Earth’s species loss isn’t moving at a snail’s pace

Study suggests ‘sixth mass extinction’ is happening

New study predicts the slow, inevitable death of universe

Like all good things, our universe will one day come to an end. Just how that end will look is still something of a mystery. But one new study suggests that our universe won’t go out with a ...