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Earth’s species loss isn’t moving at a snail’s pace

Study suggests ‘sixth mass extinction’ is happening

New study predicts the slow, inevitable death of universe

Like all good things, our universe will one day come to an end. Just how that end will look is still something of a mystery. But one new study suggests that our universe won’t go out with a ...

Jupiter-like planet may offer clues to our past

Scientists have discovered a new exoplanet just 100 light years away that seems much like a young Jupiter. And its entire solar system may be similar enough to our own to give us a glimpse i...

This octopus species is a real odd sucker

Oddball sea creature shares some of the same mating, social habits as humans

Another group may have helped settle Americas

NEW YORK – Scientists have discovered a previously unknown source of ancestry for some native peoples in Brazil, suggesting a new wrinkle in the story of the settlement of the Americas. ...

Probe offers new clues on origins of life

Evidence supports theory that comets are cosmic labs

Triceratops gets a cute new cousin (with a very special nose)

Everybody knows the Triceratops. But lately, other members of the horned dino family have been nosing their way into the spotlight. Now, researchers say, a new species named Wendiceratops pi...