Air tanker base opens for what fire official say could be another active wildfire season

Fly-in a chance for first responders to familiarize themselves with various craft

Crews hope to expand wildfire near Dolores to 4,000 acres

Spruce Creek Fire has burned 10 acres in an area prepped for prescribed burn

Prescribed burn blamed for hazy skies across parts of Southwest Colorado

Firefighters burned about 1,130 acres Thursday in Boggy Draw area

4-acre fire contained near mobile home park west of Durango

About 40 mobile homes were placed on pre-evacuation notice in Lightner Creek area

Building wildfire resiliency at Forest Lakes subdivision

More than 100 attendees receive crash course on how to protect their homes

What should Durango businesses do if there’s a wildfire?

La Plata County Office of Emergency Management encourages employers to sign up for CodeRED alerts

Free workshops to review wildfire mitigation, defensible space and home hardening techniques

Events on community preparedness to provide resources, training

New law means HOAs can’t stop you from hardening your home against wildfires

Gov. Polis says legislation should help residents safeguard their homes and save money on insurance

La Plata County launches Wildfire Resource Center

New map shows risks and resources of individual properties

PCC to offer free certificate programs in wildfire mitigation and forestry

These programs will accept 20 students, with enrollment opening on March 11

La Plata County commissioners return from D.C. advocacy trip

Broadband access, fire mitigation hurdles on agenda at annual conference

Many Colorado HOAs have rules that make homes more vulnerable to wildfires. New legislation could block those

Colorado lawmakers on Friday advanced new legislation that would make it easier to build or upgrade homes to harden them against wildfires. The legislation would void language in existing ho...