Jesse Millen-Johnson
Position: Staff reporter
Phone Number: (970), 375-4566

And the West is History

50 YEARS AGO: “It took the volunteer fire department, the city police, the city maintenance crew, and many concerned citizens to outwit the culprit, but residents will be relieved to kno...

West History

50 YEARS AGO: “One of top women skiers: Looking forward to an exciting and busy winter in Durango is a newcomer who has had many exciting and busy winters before. Linda Meyers Tikalsky, ...

And the West is History

50 YEARS AGO: “Meet the candidates: Avis Harris, Democrat, is running against William Poer, Republican, for La Plata County Assessor. Poer was born and raised in Texas and moved to Duran...

And the West is History

50 YEARS AGO: “Harvest Festival gets underway Friday: The annual Pinto Bean Harvest Festival will have 13 categories for the pinto bean cook and three for the apple pie bakers. The conte...

West History

50 YEARS AGO: “Unusually warm fall here: In case you thought it was unusually warm Friday, it was. The temperature registered a high of 87 degrees for Friday and 80 degrees for Saturday....

And the West is History

75 YEARS AGO: “Sunday, Monday and Tuesday at the Kiva: Rita Hayworth, Tyrone Power and Linda Darnell in ‘Blood and Sand,’ in magnificent Technicolor.” 50 YEARS AGO: “Final...

And the West is History

100 years ago: “If Cave Basin was situated near Cripple Creek or Leadville, the camp would be played up as one of the greatest discoveries of a lifetime, says the Ignacio Chieftain. But ...

And the West is History

100 years ago: “Bayfield narrowly defeated: In the most interesting game of the season, the Smelter defeated Bayfield 6 to 5. But it took 10 innings to get the necessary margin. Both tea...

And the West is History

100 years ago: “Durango’s first newspaper editor dead: Mrs. Caroline Romney, pioneer newspaper publisher and editor, died Thursday at the home of her sister. Mrs. Romney came to Colorado...

And the West is History

100 years ago: “A Treat: The Rex Theatre is making special inducements to the school kids showing 5 E’s on their report card at the end of September. The students will be given free tick...

And the West is History

75 YEARS AGO: “Wave goodbye to household drudgery: With the 101 jobs every homemaker has to do, it’s a grand and glorious feeling to assign Reddy Kilowatt to kitchen tasks. That’s what t...

And the West is History

100 years ago: “New malady attacks cows and horses: Stockmen are alarmed by rapid spread of ‘tongue-and-mouth’ disease. A hitherto unknown disease has extended to practically all stock-g...