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McIlroy goes too far; youth show promise

Earlier this week, I sat back in my chair so far that I almost fell over backwards after the comments I heard from Rory McIlroy about his decision not to compete in the Olympics and the twis...

Olympics lacks the appeal of Ryder Cup

I wanted to chime in on the upcoming Olympics in Rio this August. Ever since I was a kid, I have looked forward to watching our country compete on the world stage. At first I was rooting for...

Race to sign up for fun Ryder Cup format

For most golfers, the words Ryder Cup are synonymous with a higher level of competition and just plain fun. That being said, the Animas Capital Management, Ltd. “Ryder Cup Format...

Congratulations to an Open winner at home and at Oakmont

Congratulations to the 2016 Navajo Trail Open-First National Bank professional winner Wil Collins of Albuquerque, who held off a rally right down to the final hole to win the 55th annual eve...

Improved health and a better golf swing

I first want to apologize to all my readers of this column for my absence last week. I had an emergency procedure to remove an obstruction which, thankfully, was caught in time. I want to th...

Farmington’s Roth represents Four Corners in style

I find myself in one of those rare moments in golf when a columnist can write about a local golf professional who distinguished himself among some of the greats in the game. I a...

Sunscreen a must as golf season hits full swing

School is out, daylight is stretching its limits and tournament action is moving into high gear for the upcoming summer season in Southwest Colorado. It is still a bit cooler in...

Golf provides opportunities for frustration, glory

Earlier in the week, I was listening to one of the morning anchors of ESPN Radio talking about his golf game. It was not very flattering. No confidence builder for him, and the same goes for...

Tournament golf with a purpose is fun and rewarding

Golf tournaments are events that are fun in themselves and a great way to hone your skills in a competitive atmosphere. For that reason alone, tournament participation should motivate you to...

Green is the theme on golf courses around the area

The myth is finally broken as I was going to wash my car and, well, you know the rest. But the best thing of all was I did not have to wash it as the weather saved me from dropping a gazilli...

Results fly in like the spring wind

The golf season is beginning to crank up and so are those pesky winds. I believe it is the only oddity in your game where you can have your best shot and then see it boomerang into another c...

Wash one away, play again on another day

You know the adage that if you wash your car, it will rain. Well, we have seen that oft times this same thing happens when you move your clubs from the garage to the trunk of your car and he...