
Wildfire preparedness and mitigation succeeds through a collaborative approach

As we have all recently witnessed, it is never too soon to discuss wildfire preparedness and mitigation. Whether it is through one of the regional forest collaboratives, a home ignition zone...

A day in the life: Behind the scenes of a field trip adventure

Imagine stepping into a snow-covered forest, where every tree whispers stories of resilience, and the crunch of snowshoes underfoot is the only sound breaking the winter silence …and, oh yea...

Change is constant

“The only constant in life is change.” This quote, attributed to Heraclitus, comes up frequently in conversations with San Juan Mountains Association’s staff members. As cliché as it is, it ...

San Juan Mountains Association's Annual FUNdraiser, Christmas Trees for Conservation

I got the first text from a friend to go skiing on Oct. 21 this year. Safe to say with this early cold snap, we’re all looking forward to the winter rituals after a hot summer. I’ll say, I’m...

Protecting the heart of Colorado’s high-alpine wilderness

The Alpine Loop, a rugged byway winding through Colorado’s San Juan Mountains, is renowned for its stunning vistas, rugged terrain, and remote beauty. But behind its breathtaking landscapes ...

Securing San Juan stewards

With school back in action, and students returning to classrooms for the fall semester, SJMA will be joining right alongside them. Education staff look forward to teaching local students abo...

Erosion: The Power of Water

Wherever you are from, I’m sure you’ve had out-of-towners ask you, “Is this weather normal?” Here in the San Juan Mountains, the answer is always yes. From a blizzard in July to 70 degrees i...

Include contingencies in your recreation plans

Ahhh, summer in the San Juan Mountains. I’ve lived all over the country, and there really is no better place to be in the summer. San Juan Mountains Association’s Forest Ambassadors can atte...

Stewardship is for all. A small gesture can go a long way.

Looking back, the last few weeks were a blur. I am not sure where the month of May went, but June was quick to take its place. Starting the season off strong, SJMA welcomed our seasonal stew...

Day in the life of SJMA volunteer trail ambassador

A group of eight people walked up to us from the parking lot – kids and parents – with a small backpacks, wearing tennis shoes and holding a couple plastic water bottles. “Welcome to Ice Lak...

Creating More “Stewards of the Lands” through SJMA’s Visitor Centers

As a conversation starter, often visitors or folks who have recently moved here ask “Where are you from?” or “How long have you been here?” I respond with a confident “I grew up here.” So wh...

Winter Escapades: Embracing a Versatile Winter Wonderland

As winter blankets the landscape with its pristine coat of snow, adventurers of all kinds eagerly await the opportunity to delve into the snowy wonderlands. Weather-conscious locals make the...