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Los Pinos fire district approaches financial cliff

Agency makes case for possible tax increase

San Juan County, N.M., property tax bills delayed

Due dates have also been changed

Durango Business Improvement District working on expansion

Property owners on north Main would have to opt in

Rico election includes town board, transportation, sewer system taxes

Voters will decide on central sewer, transportation and board members

Proposition CC asks voters to give up tax refunds for education, transportation

Benefit to school districts, Fort Lewis College, regional highways are unknown

Voters will be asked to create, fund Southwest La Plata Library District

Funding for Sunnyside, Fort Lewis Mesa set to end in June 2020

Voters will be asked to create property tax for libraries

Petitioners gather sufficient signatures to place question on ballot

Animas Mosquito Control District to ask for property tax increase

Staff ‘run absolutely ragged’ this season

Durango West metro district threatened with dissolution

Subdivision hasn’t filed budgets, audits or election information for years

Mill levy ballot language solidified

RE-1 board approves wording for November election

Durango fire station expansion behind schedule

Building design will protect firefighters from cancer-causing particles

Judge dismisses CO2 tax lawsuit against county

Small shareholders wanted separation from Kinder Morgan Supreme Court decision