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Property owner wins tax battle with La Plata County

State board rules owner is using land for agriculture

Colorado voters weigh in on 11 ballot issues

Early tallies show support for family leave, repeal of Gallagher Amendment

COVID-19 slowed economy, not yet impacting property tax collections

More than 700 people in county delinquent on property taxes

La Plata County hopes to boost local economy with 2021 budget

Millions to be spent on construction, development throughout community

Los Pinos fire district renews effort for tax increase

May ballot measure was canceled because of pandemic

Coronavirus may trigger second-largest property tax cut in Colorado history

Reductions would further cripple local budgets, including school and fire districts

Dolores Fire Protection District seeks mill levy increase

Revenues would go toward replacing outdated equipment

Los Pinos postpones May vote to increase mill levy

Board: COVID-19 response requires district’s attention, puts tax in doubt

Los Pinos Fire places a tax increase measure on May 5 ballot

District faces troubling financial outlook

Former tennis star’s charity for kids with cancer runs afoul of La Plata County

State, county say Andrea Jaeger tried to mislead officials for tax breaks

Southwest La Plata Library District confident it can fill funding gap

Grants expected to get rural locations through lean year

Property tax notices start to hit mailboxes

Treasurer says residents, businesses should receive bills by end of January