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Durango fire station expansion behind schedule

Building design will protect firefighters from cancer-causing particles

Judge dismisses CO2 tax lawsuit against county

Small shareholders wanted separation from Kinder Morgan Supreme Court decision

Poll answers whether residents will support a tax increase in November

371 potential voters participate in survey

Durango School District expected to fund branch libraries for one more year

Voters may be asked to increase taxes in November

New home and property valuations hitting mailboxes

County assessor says change is moderate

La Plata County wants to know: Will voters support a tax increase?

Research firm hired to conduct poll next month

La Plata County wants to know: Will voters support a tax increase?

Research firm hired to conduct poll next month

Report: Tax increase needed to keep La Plata County afloat

Budget cuts won’t make up forecast deficit

Moving money among city funds isn’t as easy as some think

Some want less city spending on parks and more on streets and police

Construction begins on $3.1 million fire station upgrade in north Durango

Taxpayers approved property tax increase in 2017

New tax question for Durango voters is unlikely in April

Officials propose studying additional funding options

City ponders tax increase for April ballot

Councilors want to hear more feedback from residents