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Tourist rescued after being trapped 6 days in well in Bali

DENPASAR, Indonesia – A Ukrainian man who fell into an abandoned well and broke his leg while being chased by a wild dog on Indonesia’s tourist island of Bali was rescued after being trapped...

French Quarter sans tourists: ‘An old neighborhood again’

NEW ORLEANS – For Jack Greenwood, New Orleans’ COVID-19 lockdowns brought sadness, but also a revelation: He was making more acquaintances with fellow residents – people he might not have no...

National parks hope visitors comply with virus measures

CHEYENNE, Wyo. – A man pets a wild bison on the head. Rescuers pull a treasure-seeker from a snowy canyon. A woman taking photos stumbles into scalding water. Visitors to Yellowst...

What happens to your loyalty program after the pandemic?

Sheree Davis was one of hundreds of thousands of air travelers eager to know how loyalty programs would treat them after the pandemic. So she was excited when American Airlines r...

Boeing slashes 12,000 jobs as virus seizes travel industry

Boeing is cutting more than 12,000 jobs through layoffs and buyouts as the coronavirus pandemic seizes the travel industry. And the aircraft maker says more cuts are coming. One o...

People are wearing hazmat suits on planes, but should they?

Last year, supermodel Naomi Campbell made headlines when she shared a video of herself very thoroughly sanitizing her Qatar Airlines seat. There were disinfecting wipes involved, plastic glo...

Virus lockdown gives Venice a shot at reimagining tourism

VENICE, Italy – In Venice, a city famous for being visited by too many and home to too few, children’s play now fills neighborhood squares, fishermen sell their catch to home cooks and water...

Disinfected dice: Las Vegas casinos getting ready to roll

LAS VEGAS – Free parking, but no valet service. Bartenders, blackjack dealers and waiters wearing masks. Hand sanitizer everywhere. Yes, dice will roll, cards will be dealt and sl...

Photos: Grand but empty, Italian hotels await tourists

ROME – Like lonely grande dames, Italy’s luxury hotels lack company amid the coronavirus pandemic. Associated Press photographers have captured the atmosphere inside prestigious e...

Pandemic upends life on isolated, idyllic Galapagos Islands

SAN CRISTOBAL, Ecuador – Before the coronavirus, sudden life-threatening ailments among tourists, fishermen and others on the Galapagos Islands were considered so rare that hospitals didn’t ...

Some people miss travel so much they’re ordering airplane food delivered to their homes

Frequently purchased as a graduation gift, Dr. Seuss’s “Oh the Places You’ll Go!” is taunting us, its singsong meter and rhyme piling on. It is a book about itchy feet and the wide-open road...

Battered global tourism industry makes reopening plans

Six months ago, the global tourism industry was celebrating a record year for travel. Now, it’s decimated and facing a recovery that could take years. Tourism Economics, a data an...