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Some people miss travel so much they’re ordering airplane food delivered to their homes

Frequently purchased as a graduation gift, Dr. Seuss’s “Oh the Places You’ll Go!” is taunting us, its singsong meter and rhyme piling on. It is a book about itchy feet and the wide-open road...

Battered global tourism industry makes reopening plans

Six months ago, the global tourism industry was celebrating a record year for travel. Now, it’s decimated and facing a recovery that could take years. Tourism Economics, a data an...

Isolated by oceans: Hawaii, other islands tamp down virus

HONOLULU – Flying to a faraway beach might seem like the perfect way to escape a pandemic, but for isolated Pacific islands, controlling the coronavirus means cutting off tourism. ...

Q&A: Why some planes are crowded even with air travel down

Every once in a while, social media lights up with photos or video from flights that are nearly full, with passengers clearly violating advice from public health officials about social dista...

Locked down in Nice: Stranded in France’s second most popular tourist destination

By Christopher Elliott The Washington Post Nice, France, is a city on hold. Its hotels are boarded up, its restaurants are shuttered and its residents are confined to t...

Airline nosedive: American, United post huge pandemic losses

DALLAS – American Airlines and United Airlines lost a combined $4 billion in the first quarter as the coronavirus pandemic triggered a sharp drop in air travel, and the airlines are busy bor...

As fewer people fly, rate of guns found in bags by TSA jumps

With far fewer people flying because of travel restrictions during the coronavirus pandemic, airport security screeners are naturally finding fewer guns in carry-on baggage. But t...

Amid the pandemic, an adventure addict finds solace in imagination

OK, I get it: I’m not going anywhere anytime soon. So as an inveterate adventure traveler facing a months-long adventure deficit, I decided in mid-March that I had to get resourceful. So in ...

Think things are bad for airlines? It’s about to get worse

The biggest and most profitable U.S. airline just posted its first quarterly loss in more than five years. Now things are going to get really bad. Delta Air Lines Inc. reported We...

Delta records 1st quarterly loss in 5-plus years; worse is on the way

Delta Air Lines, the biggest and most profitable U.S. airline, lost $534 million in the first quarter, a setback that will appear trivial when the full force of the pandemic is revealed in t...

‘A stroke of luck’ to be on global cruise during pandemic

35 days of continuous sailing with no human contact with outside world

Look left, turn right – jump! Islands offer remote tourism

LONDON – Wish you could travel to a faraway island during the lockdown? The Faroe Islands are offering remote tourism, where web users can control a real life tour guide to trek around the r...