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‘A stroke of luck’ to be on global cruise during pandemic

35 days of continuous sailing with no human contact with outside world

Look left, turn right – jump! Islands offer remote tourism

LONDON – Wish you could travel to a faraway island during the lockdown? The Faroe Islands are offering remote tourism, where web users can control a real life tour guide to trek around the r...

Major airlines line up to split $25 billion in payroll aid

The nation’s biggest airlines have tentatively agreed to terms for $25 billion in government aid to pay workers and avoid massive layoffs in an industry that has been slammed by the coronavi...

5 classes you can take at home to be a better traveler in the future

In case you need a reminder, you should not be traveling now or anytime soon. But if you’re privileged to have some time on your hands during the coronavirus outbreak and need a new passion ...

Most people on Antarctica cruise ship have the coronavirus

MONTEVIDEO, Uruguay – Nearly 60% of 217 people – many from Australia, Europe and the United States – on board a cruise ship off the coast of Uruguay have tested positive for the new coronavi...

How to talk to others about not traveling during the coronavirus pandemic

Explain the risks through constructive conversation

Stuck at home? Let these travel board games help take you away

Earlier this month, the coronavirus and a snowstorm trapped my husband and me inside our one-bedroom home above Lake Tahoe in Nevada. We canceled our travel plans through summer and celebrat...

Coronavirus delivers ‘body blow’ to Colorado’s ski industry

DENVER – Ski resorts across the West that were shut down amid coronavirus fears are grappling with an economic “body blow” at a time when they normally would be welcoming hordes of spring br...

United Airlines warns of massive layoffs without federal aid

Leaders of United Airlines and its labor unions are raising the threat of massive layoffs if Washington doesn’t provide “sufficient” help to the airline industry by the end of this month. ...

Cheap fares luring travelers to fly despite pandemic

With the coronavirus pandemic escalating in the U.S. and overseas, Dylcia McBlackwell couldn’t justify taking a single spring vacation. Airfares were so cheap, she decided to book three. ...

Tips for cleaning your gear after traveling

Months into the coronavirus crisis, travelers have grown familiar with how to protect themselves on airplanes, in hotel rooms and among crowds. But what about the risk of returning home with...

Travel insurance can help, but it has its limits

Basic policies generally don’t cover pandemics