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Refunds coming to taxpayers

TABOR requires average refunds between $13-$41

Pot taxes take a holiday

Pot-tax holiday is Wednesday

Quirk in the law allows for a break on marijuana sales

Quirk forces state to waive pot taxes for a day

Overall collected taxes exceeded projections

Report: TABOR prompts higher tax bills for most Coloradans

DENVER – More than 80 percent of Coloradans are paying more in property taxes now than they would have if the Taxpayer Bill of Rights had never passed, according to a new study by Colorado S...

Property-tax hike gets backing

County finance committee recommends mill-levy hike; commissioners weigh options

Pueblo County mulls pot tax for scholarships

A Pueblo County commissioner is proposing a ballot measure for a program to fund college scholarships through a marijuana excise tax. Commissioner Sal Pace says he hopes the new m...

Tax-increase options weighed for ballot

La Plata County commissioners, staff look for possible ways to increase revenues

Costs and lingering sediment remain a concern

With news improving concerning the Animas River spill, local officials can now turn their attention to more long-term issues, such as impacts to the budget and contaminated sediment that mig...

Hunting, fishing licenses in Colo. could cost more

$40M in dam repairs needed as state struggles for funding

Pot-tax idea dies

Marijuana industry supporters speak out against 5 percent levy

County seeks to stem costs

Road and bridge fund on ‘life support’