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Pot-tax idea dies

Marijuana industry supporters speak out against 5 percent levy

County seeks to stem costs

Road and bridge fund on ‘life support’

Cashing in on marijuana sales

City and industry have opposing views on proposed sales tax

City may share plant costs

Water District is interested

Durango lodgers are getting organized

Group may back tax increase

Supreme Court weighs in on TABOR

Legal standing of case to be reconsidered

City lands grant for outdoor classroom

Great Outdoors Colorado has given the city of Durango a $45,000 award through its mini-grant program for projects costing up to $60,000. It will fund the Rim Trail Outdoor Classro...

Durango city councilors discuss raises

Durango’s city councilors debated raising salaries for future councilors Tuesday. The councilors floated the idea of increasing salaries for councilors from $6,000 per year to abo...

La Plata County boasts low tax burden

Adams County is Colorado’s most-burdened

Voters favor airport sales tax

Ballot question unlikely until 2016

Taxpayers can challenge personal property tax

From June 15 to June 30, owners of taxable personal property such as business furnishings and equipment may challenge the county assessor’s valuation of their property. The value ...

Governor signs bill dealing with revenue

Voters will see sales-tax holiday; asked to let state keep pot money