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Taxpayers can challenge personal property tax

From June 15 to June 30, owners of taxable personal property such as business furnishings and equipment may challenge the county assessor’s valuation of their property. The value ...

Governor signs bill dealing with revenue

Voters will see sales-tax holiday; asked to let state keep pot money

County poll: Safety needs spur support for tax hikes

Safety could be the most compelling argument for a countywide property-tax increase to fund roads and bridges. But the campaign for a tax could be derailed if the infrastructure g...

La Plata County tax increase receives support

Residents polled about roads, bridges

Finances testing school district

Superintendent looking for ideas to economize

Tax-credit changes create winners, losers

Purgatory is in, Chocolate Factory out in new maps

Gas-revenue predictions bleak in 2017

Current declining prices could hurt the budget

Incentive program for businesses sunsets

Economic resolution rebated fees, taxes

Your Colo. tax refunds could disappear

Republicans say bill is subverting state constitution

Are you ready to pay for new airport?

Durango, La Plata County officials want to know

Bayfield’s mill levy taxes town’s businesses

Commercial properties more expensive to operate than in Durango, Ignacio

Governor signs budget

Expected taxpayer refunds included