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Coloradans want politicians to do something about cost of living

Residents from every political party, every region and just about every age group are feeling pressure from the economy

Polis signs bill that thwarts statewide ranked choice voting

Governor faced pressure to veto the bill after last-minute provisions were added

Colorado voters could be blocked from implementing ranked choice voting

Colorado may decide in November whether to move the state’s elections to a ranked choice voting system. However, a recent move by the state legislature could block or delay that change, even...

100th anniversary of Indigenous voting rights is ‘bittersweet,’ says S. Ute tribal leader

Snyder Act, which established citizenship for Native Americans, signed 100 years ago today

Marilyn Sandstrom memorial free library opens in Durango

Beloved community member died in 2021 at the age of 84

Durango School District contemplates $150M bond for new school, other upgrades

9-R looks to purchase more buildings instead of leasing property

Colorado can’t disqualify Donald Trump under insurrection clause, U.S. Supreme Court rules

Decision comes one day before Super Tuesday

The end of a long road: 13 new citizens naturalized in Durango

Immigrants from Cambodia, Germany, Mexico and Russia gathered Thursday for a formal ceremony

A week out from the primary, presidential hopeful Nikki Haley is visiting Colorado

GOP candidate trying to rally support in a state where party apparatus is already fully behind her opponent

Court rules ‘secret voting’ system used by state Democrats violates Colorado open meetings law

A Denver judge is ordering Democratic lawmakers to stop using a private ranking system to prioritize bills for funding because the practice violates Colorado’s open meetings law. Legislative...

Election yields low turnout, but important training opportunity

Ballot questions, lack of candidates may not have resonated with voters

Upper Pine voters say ‘yes’ to dual fire station, urgent care

Ballot Issue 7A extends property tax that was due to sunset in 2024