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Election yields low turnout, but important training opportunity

Ballot questions, lack of candidates may not have resonated with voters

Upper Pine voters say ‘yes’ to dual fire station, urgent care

Ballot Issue 7A extends property tax that was due to sunset in 2024

Poor turnout leads to Durango school board election cancellation

Current board members Kristin Smith and Katie Stewart will retain positions

Federal judge declines to immediately block Colorado law meant to persuade voters not to cut their taxes

A conservative dark-money group pursuing two 2024 tax reduction measures is suing the state over House Bill 1321, passed by Democrats and signed into law by Gov. Jared Polis in 2021

Colorado GOP goes all in on trying to block unaffiliated voters from its primaries

State party files lawsuit and is considering a bylaw amendment to opt out of primaries

La Plata County commissioners approve new districts

Changes do not affect representation or voting, only candidate eligibility

LPEA says proposed bylaw amendment aims to clarify deadlines and reflect state laws

Power cooperative is attempting to clear up confusion in regulatory articles

Lawsuit against Colorado over signature verification process allowed to proceed

Complaint argues mail-in ballot system disenfranchises voters

Lawmakers get closer to passing bill that would expand voting rights and accessibility

Legislation would make it easier to vote for Indigenous communities and formerly incarcerated people convicted of felonies

Colorado had fifth-highest midterm election voter turnout in U.S.

Numbers were better than national average, according to secretary of state’s office

Lauren Boebert’s narrow victory confirmed by mandatory recount

Democrat Adam Frisch conceded on Nov. 18 after it became clear he couldn’t win

Lawsuit challenges Colorado’s signature-match requirement

Plaintiffs claim state’s execution of signature-match requirement for ballots disenfranchises many voters