Jesse Millen-Johnson
Position: Staff reporter
Phone Number: (970), 375-4566

And the West is History

100 years ago: “For the first time since settlement of the San Juan began over 40 years ago, a road has crossed it from the outside. Five autos drove by their own power from South Fork t...

And the West is History

100 years ago: “The Bailey-Pinkstaff auto party, which left Aztec ten days ago, was scheduled to reach Los Angeles yesterday.” 75 years ago: “John Wayne, Betty Field and Ha...

And the West is History

100 years ago: “A Season of Tortures: Hay Fever causes untold misery for thousands. No remedy has proven more beneficial than Foley’s Honey and Tar.” 75 years ago: “Dealer ...

And the West is History

100 years ago: “Mother Mary Regina, who has had charge of Mercy Hospital for the past two years, left for Denver where she will serve as assistant to the Mother Superior of the Sisters o...

And the West is History

100 years ago: “James Bowman arrived from his old haunts this morning, after spending a week gathering samples from mining claims of the Gold King.” 75 years ago: “The Rang...

And the West is History

50 YEARS AGO: “If you’re a garden enthusiast, be careful about the way you use insecticides with your garden hose. It’s never a good idea to attach a can containing poison to the hose, b...

And the West is History

100 years ago: “Harry Frank, 38, a mining man and former auditer of Silverton Northern, died at a hospital in Denver where he was being treated for nervous trouble. Frank and the patient...

And the West is History

100 years ago: “Mrs. W.A. Hunter returned from a two-month trip to Oklahoma yesterday. The trip was pleasant except for the last ten days, when the high temperatures went up to 110 degre...

And the West is History

100 years ago: “Wild auto drivers are a menace. It is believed and sincerely hoped that speeding will become a thing of the past once the novelty of the automobile passes away.” ...

And the West is History

100 years ago: “If the best pictures mean anything to you, always go to the Gem. If music that plays with the pictures means anything to you, always go to the Gem. Adults 20 cents, child...

And the West is History

50 YEARS AGO: “A Navajo girl was reported recovering Tuesday from the first known case of bubonic plague in Arizona this year. Two other cases of plague have been reported this year in t...

And the West is History

75 Years Ago: “City commissioners accepted a $6,000 fire truck last night. The 105 horsepower engine showed tremendous power. The machine will raise Durango’s fire department to first cl...