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Hispanic GOP leader sees path to votes

Outreach to Democrat-leaning group worth effort

Libertarian: Trim state to core functions

Gubernatorial candidate stops in Durango on tour

Up for grabs: Republicans after two seats in U.S. House

Race becoming contentious in 4th, 5th districts

GOP lining up its governor hopefuls

No candidate appears to be a clear favorite

School board candidate stumps in Durango

Marcia Neal seeks to thwart federal influence in education

Primary ballots in the mail

GOP nomination for guv is hottest race

Democratic candidate speaks at Carvers

Don Quick a nominee in Colorado Attorney General race

Southern Ute hold election today

Southern Ute Indian Tribe members are voting today in a special election for a chairman or chairwoman to succeed Jimmy Newton Jr., who died in late March. Voting started at 7 a.m....

Udall, Gardner push access to Denver TV

Campaigns battle for credit in election year

Udall goes on offensive in his ads

Colorado senator highlights Gardner’s abortion record

In Colorado, redistricting isn’t everything

DENVER – Unlike much of the rest of the country, Colorado Democrats have come out on top in recent redistricting battles in this hotly competitive state. But it has been of limited help – a ...

Udall fires up his Democrats

Gardner brings up senator’s vote on health-care law