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Five obstacles for Native voters in the November midterms

Natives have low participation rates, but problem isn’t passivism

Spending ramps up in latest campaign finance disclosures

Next reporting deadline Nov. 2

Sheriff candidates tout experience and emphasize leadership abilities

Dean Mize, Charles Hamby and incumbent Sean Smith are all vying for position

Records: Most new voters in New Mexico are independents

SANTA FE – State records show the biggest increase in New Mexico voter registration is among residents who declined to state a party affiliation. The Albuquerque Journal reports n...

Navajos choose from record number of presidential hopefuls

FLAGSTAFF, Ariz. – Louva Dahozy sat in the front of a crowded casino ballroom listening to a record number of candidates for Navajo Nation president outline plans for economic development, s...

La Plata County Republicans find treasurer nominee in Wells Fargo banker Colton Black

La Plata County Republicans hold county assembly

La Plata County coroner seeks second term

Jann Smith has held position since 2012

DA candidates look to county assemblies for answers

Caucus process draws fire from both Lammons and Champagne

La Plata County Democrats woo voters ahead of caucus deadline

Strong grass-roots support for Sanders, money is behind Clinton

Shake-up in U.S. Senate race

Colorado Republicans lose one key option but gain another

Lachelt will seek a second term

Incumbent wants comprehensive land-use plane in 2016

Westendorff to seek a second term as commissioner

District 3 county commissioner says work to be done on land-use