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Colorado Rep. Barbara McLachlan eyes fourth term

Longtime representative from Durango touts her work at the Capitol as campaign season nears

Republicans report boost in turnout while Democrats see a slide at caucuses

La Plata County parties express confidence heading into November elections

La Plata County Republicans energized at caucuses

Voters’ priorities include county land-use code, education, state and national issues

Eight would-be challengers to Boebert meet in forum hosted by La Plata County Democrats

Candidates tackle questions on environment, bipartisanship, and local and national policy

A strategy to unseat Rep. Lauren Boebert?

Some urge Democrats to switch party affiliation to vote in Republican primary

Mesa County drops lawsuit against Tina Peters over voting services contract

Clerk and recorder had not signed off on new voting services contract

Mesa County needed to restore trust after an election system breach. Here comes Wayne Williams, in his boots

Colorado’s former Secretary of State sought to reassure voters about a fair election

Colorado Supreme Court declines to hear county clerk’s appeal of ruling barring her from 2021 election

She argued judge lacked authority to remove her as designated election official

Independent candidate spent 2½ years fighting election complaints in Colorado

Paul Jones, who ran for House District 59, says party leaders work against unaffiliated candidates

Judge bars Mesa County Clerk Tina Peters from having role in upcoming election

Colorado secretary of state sued to block Peters from being involved in the November election

Tempers flare at Mesa County protest as judge prepares to decide Tina Peters’ role in upcoming election

At least one person hurt when a counter-demonstrator showed up

Latest Colorado legislative draft maps would leave Democrats in control

Commission sets Oct. 12 as deadline to vote on final state House, Senate maps